Imran Khan
KARACHI: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has launched an investigation into allegations of corruption against 38 Customs officers ranked between Deputy Collectors to Additional Collectors.
Inquiry has been held after various departmental reports were received by headquarter regarding huge malpractice and corrupt act ivies in vehicles auctions had been conducted between 2015 to 2021 at Customs Quetta Collectorate.
A Senior Customs Officer Yaqub Makoko has been appointed as inquiry officer,
Inquiry officer Muhammad Yaqoob Mako, BS-20, a senior and experienced officer has previously served as Director Intelligence and Investigation Karachi, Collector Adjudication Karachi and Director PCA, he was tasked by Headquarter to find facts and he has recorded statements of various officers till now.
An official told Indus Gazette on the condition of anonymity that these 38 officers were posted during these 6 years in Quetta Collectorate and few moths back allegations surfaced about them that they were involved in causing loss to the national exchequer in millions by auctioning hundreds of vehicles at low prices between 2015 and 2021.